Major prize donated

Mary Rofe and Judith Edwards-White with raffle prize Watchful Eye.

Artist Judith Edwards-White has donated one of her scratchboard works as first prize in a fundraising raffle for The Stanthorpe Show Fine Arts Section.
Judith and friend Margaret travelled to Stanthorpe recently to deliver the work to Chief Steward Mary Rofe.
The raffle will be drawn at the 2016 Stanthorpe Show on the Saturday.
Prizes will also include wine, lavender gifts and handmade leather jewellery.
Tickets are available now from Laurie’s Larrikans art group which gets together to paint up the showgrounds every Thursday.
Judith has won many prizes and sold her work worldwide.
She began using this art form in 2008 and says that she is now completely hooked.
The piece Watchful Eye will go to the winner.
Ms Rofe said the art form required a level of high technical skill.
“Modern scratchboard, or scraperboard as it is known, has been around since the 19th century and it is an illustrative technique which uses sharp tools to etch a design or drawing into a board covered in fine clay and coated with Indian ink,” she said.
“Scratchboard is considered by many artists to be one of the most difficult of all mediums as you cannot erase mistakes.
“It is also an extremely time consuming medium.”