Time to mess, at church

Messy Church.

“MESSY Church” is a church growth phenomenon around the world, and it’s coming to Warwick this weekend.
Spokesperson for the local event, to be held at St Mark’s Anglican Church this Sunday, Heather Deardon said it promised to be an interesting experience.
“Messy’ means ‘allowing for noisy and unorthodox events’ – you don’t have to bring a change of clothes!” she said.
“It started in 2004 in the UK, and has grown and spread all around the world and to many denominations as part of the Fresh Expressions movement. In Australia, there have been Messy Churches since 2010 and many churches have been blessed through seeing Messy Church as a form of mission to whole families, not just children.”
She said Messy Church was church for families who might not find other forms of church appealing and who didn’t yet belong to a church.
“It includes hands-on creative experiences, a celebration and a meal,” she said.
“It welcomes and provides for all ages.”
While each Messy Church is unique, there are underpinning values that are shared.
“It is church, not a kids’ club or Bible study,” Heather said.
“Therefore, each Messy Church is Christ-centred and available and welcoming to all ages.”
There is a strong emphasis on hospitality, the offer of conversation and drinks to sharing worship and a sit-down meal for all.
“The celebration is an invitation to worship through song, prayers and story. Creativity in many forms is encouraged, nurtured and explored by people of all ages, together.”
Families in Warwick are invited to take part in the Messy Church event at St Mark’s Anglican Church on Sunday 4 October, from 4-6pm.
The church is planning four Messy Church events each year, with another planned for Christmas.