Maximising deductions, minimising tax

KRISTEN Lovett Accountings Services (KLAS) is no stranger to primary production, and has the expertise in the strategies necessary to maximise deductions, apply concessional rules and minimise tax.
In addition, they review your position and supply advice on other areas in your business that may require attention or that will offer some relief to the pressures you already face.
Do you have additional equity in Plant and Equipment that can be released to provide additional working capital to your business?
We can review your position and offer suggestions relative the improvement of cash flow.
Off farm income and paying too much in tax?
KLAS is able to show you how to obtain the best tax advantages through your primary production enterprise and see larger refunds received annually.
Self managed superannuation is also an incredible tool for most primary producers, allowing for better wealth management, better allocation of funds and greater retirement strategies, in addition to tax savings.
Are you using tax-free thresholds to the best of your ability?
Do you have further tax savings available in working family members?
Do you know the special rules for primary producers?
There are extended rules for primary producers and allowable deductions.
To ensure you are in the best position you can be, have proactive advice and pay less tax, you need to speak with Kristen Lovett Accounting Services on 02 6736 1145.
Call and arrange a free consultation with Kristen Lovett and she will show you how she can improve your position.
Also follow the Kristen Lovett Accounting Services Facebook page for all your tax tips, government funding announcements and grants and proactive advice.